Double-Edged Sword [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 0:58:02 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar
[attr="class","nikita"]Nikita shifted his mask on his face for what felt like the hundredth time. It was a gruesome thing—resembling a snarling Houndoom’s skull. It was donned in memory of his dearest friend, the one whose disembodied soul now walked behind him. It served multiple purposes. It provided limited night vision and disguised him from his would-be targets.

The last thing he needed was for his HBIC life to blur into his actual one. Things were difficult enough when every gangster with a complex tried to draw you into their web. As this was a confrontation, his typical disguises were not needed. There would be no further information gathering or playing a thousand different parts.

Not a man given to anxiety, Nikita found himself uncharacteristically on edge. Almost as if he was a hunting dog whose master’s hand was sliding toward the leash’s latch. After hearing a Rocket Underboss was in the area, Nikita had orchestrated this meeting. It’d required collapsing a few tunnels to try and streamline possible escapes. If my intelligence is correct, there is no other way to go. He licked his lips as a shadow fell on the rocks below.

He slides out from behind the outcropping he hid behind. Behind him, an invisible Intelleon frowns. She does not understand why he wishes to make the shot. It is simple, masculine pride. Which is no doubt to be his downfall. The belief that being the smartest in the room meant he was the victor.

Wait. As the blonde came into view, Nikita lifted his weapon. It was a high-end dart gun. In its vial was a pearlescent, shifting fluid: Nihelego venom. A deep breath follows as he aims for the bare skin around Quinn’s neck. An almost mad hunger dances behind his eyes as he pushes on the trigger. Fire.

And he does.



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 16:57:45 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian is not a stupid man.[break][break]

When he makes to return to the surface only to find the route he'd taken to get down here has mysteriously collapsed, it was easy enough to blame a Pokémon. These things happened, after all.[break][break]

But when he finds the next tunnel in a similar state, he knows he's walking into a trap. Yet what choice does he have?[break][break]

SHADOW MIASMA swells around him, a clear signal to those who remain out of sight that he is aware and alert. These tunnels are too narrow to call upon SHADOW LUGIA'S aid, so Cillian instead keeps his SHADOW DHELMISE close at hand. It cannot risk PHANTOM FORCE in uncharted territory such as this, lest it phase them into a wall to suffocate, and so it merely keeps to the shadows of its ethereal plane and drifts in Cillian's own shadow.[break][break]

Neither of them are prepared for the dart.[break][break]

If he had been, perhaps Cillian's miasma-given speed would've let him dodge it. Instead, he staggers in pained surprise and clamps a hand to the side of his neck as a sharp pain pierces it.[break][break]

He's experimented enough with NIHILEGO TOXIN to know how it feels as it surges through his system. His veins burn purple in its path, the corruption sweeping through his bloodstream with alarming speed. It takes effect faster than it should. He doubles over, and perhaps will believe he has won.[break][break]

But Cillian has experimented enough that this dose is too low to bring him down.[break][break]

With fingers that tremble beneath the building adrenaline and rage, Cillian rips the dart from his neck. Blood spurts from the small wound as the underboss casts the empty vessel aside. When he turns his gaze toward the direction from whence it had been fired, his eyes are not gold, but a deep, corrupted purple.[break][break]

He snarls, and he looks utterly inhuman.[break][break]

His Dhelmise appears behind Nikita with its PHANTOM FORCE, attempting a ghastly strike toward the one who'd attacked its master.




let's GOOO


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played by


October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 13:59:49 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar
[attr="class","nikita"]Nikita often chooses subtlety over pomp and attention. He truly believed the pen was mightier than the sword. But, there were times were brute force (or obvious traps) was the only way to get what you wanted. This was one such situation. A single missed tunnel would allow the rat to wiggle out of the trap. Perhaps he could have even approached from behind. So, he trimmed choices until the path forward was simple.

The sight of that miasma did not scare him. If his plan went as intended, Cillian would be in no position to use his abilities. They would be as useful as a sword taped to the hand of a quadriplegic. As the dart hits home, Nikita spares his Intelleon a haughty glance. Almost as if reminding her that his aim was not too much worse than hers. For a moment, he holds his breath.

Unlike a moron in a horror movie, he does not immediately show his hand. Only after Cillian doubles over does he stand. Then, the man looks up. The eyes that meet his are best described as monstrous. “Lovely,” Nikita murmurs in a tone that drips exasperation. Perhaps he should have aimed for a higher dose—since Donphan was apparently too low.

The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Years with Detective Winters have given him the ability to perceive the spectral chill that predates such an attack. An instant before the anchor struck, a blur of white flickered into existence. Grabbing his master’s sleeve in his jaw, the Houndstone disapparates onto the path below.

The Intelleon, meanwhile, aims a Snipe Shot at the ghastly red beast. Her golden eyes are almost devilishly manic.

“It seems you have a tolerance.” From his pocket, he withdraws a ball. From it, the owner of the venom emerges. Its tentacles away in a non-existent breeze, an Ophelia shuffling toward its final death. Cillian is the river. With almost lazy movements, it unleashes a Venoshock.

“Let’s see how high it goes, shall we?” Through his mask, it’s impossible to see his smirk, but it’s audible.



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2024 17:23:23 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Under the effects of the toxin, thoughts are boiled down to their base elements.[break][break]

Danger. Survive. Kill.[break][break]

Interruption comes in the form of the VENOSHOCK that finds a system full of venom and momentarily paralyzes it with pain. The shot that Cillian fires goes wide, and he staggers as he attempts to remain on his feet.[break][break]

The Harbinger shudders, then straightens himself.[break][break]


His deep voice hums corruption, and the Dhelmise responds to its name.[break][break]

Though it had taken the SNIPE SHOT, its GRASS-TYPING offers resistance. It whirls toward the Nihilego with a whisper of scarlet seaweed, firing an ANCHOR SHOT toward the Ultra Beast.[break][break]

Finding his gun to be unreliable, Cillian holsters it and draws a blade, instead.




let's GOOO


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played by


October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
333 posts
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 3:07:45 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

being on the right side does not make one good




Again, a wave of toxin washes over Cillian. And, unfortunately, it seems as ineffective as the last. The only sign of it—aside from the rabid beast’s expression—is the shot that goes wide. An almost resigned sigh spills from Nikita’s mouth as he narrows his eyes. That is unfortunate. Fortunately, he is not a man who approaches life without a Plan B. In truth, there were about five different tactics he has considered. But, unfortunately, many of those counted on the initial attack being a success.

Still, he was not crippled when theories fell through. “I do not suppose you plan to come quietly?”

The detective’s gun leaps into his almost skeletal fingertips. Garnered in black gloves, it seems as if half his being is shadow. As the anchor’s name is revealed, Nikita cannot resist a laugh. That sound of mirth is disturbing, hollow, and spiked like a tiger pit. “A rather ill-fated name, Mister Quinn.” There is a pause as he clicks the safety off. His handlers would prefer he bring the man in alive, but Nikita was not picky. “If a bit on the nose.” What else was this but the underworld? And what other color would fit a man so stained in blood?

With a series of clangs, the chain whips across the empty space. “!?” He dances backward as metal gleams in front of him. The chains whistle through the air, missing his hips by a hair. Before Nikita can’t shout an order, the Nihelego drops in a flurry of tangled tentacles. Its bulbous head jerks up irritably as it wriggles and writhes like a mating ball of garters. “Tch.”

In its struggles, the Nihelego fired off a series of Power Gems. These ricocheted off the stones around them, causing more harm to the environment than assisting in escape. Is it nihilistic of me to not be surprised?

As Cillian grabs for a blade, the detective’s brow rises behind his mask. His kevlar vest protected him from that gun, but it did little to stop him from being turned into a sieve. Letting the madman anywhere near him was silly. “Now, let’s not be so hasty.” A sharp motion ends in a pop as the Intelleon fires off a deadly, almost undetectable bullet of water.

The missing Houndstone materialized behind Cillian. Its unearthly, fiery eyes locked onto the anchor as it threw itself at Eurydice with a Crunch.

Four on two? Certainly not the behavior expected of a hero. It was a good thing Nikita wasn’t one.


This was about revenge.



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 18:32:42 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Hatred and defiance burn in eyes of deep violet.[break][break]


He ignores all commentary on his Dhelmise, laser-focused on the threat. On the gun in 's hand and what precise movements would be needed to avoid its shot. The MIASMA coils around him in preparation.[break][break]

But it's the Houndstone whom he dances away from, inhuman speed allowing him to narrowly dodge the SNIPE SHOT that zips through the air. He'd need to take care of that Inteleon, and quickly.[break][break]

No stranger to strength in numbers, Cillian too reaches for additional support.[break][break]

He clicks, whistles, and gestures sharp toward where the shot had come from.[break][break]


An Aerodactyl appears in a burst of shadow with a horrible screech. At first glance it might be mistaken for a MEGA due to the obsidian spikes adorning its wings, but the malice that radiates from the creature marks it as SHADOW.[break][break]

The DARK PREDATOR heeds Cillian's call and DROPS from the SKY toward its MARKED TARGET. Immense PRESSURE would ensure a gap in the sniper's fire, if nothing else.[break][break]

PRESSURE prevents nearby Pokémon from using the same move twice in a row.[break]
Aerodactyl has an additional ability, DARK PREDATOR. Aerodactyl may pick a single target to hunt. It will be able to track, chase, and deal more damage to its prey, but takes additional damage from all other sources.

Houndstone's teeth would find metal and seaweed, but Eurydice retaliates with a violent SPRINGTIDE STORM that covers their makeshift battlefield in fey winds, sharp blossoms providing cutting edge. Its CURSED BODY threatens to DISABLE the spectral hound's CRUNCH.[break][break]




Cil dodges the Snipe Shot with avatar ability[break]
Releases Aerodactyl, who marks Inteleon as its target and goes in with SKY DROP[break]
Dhelmise is hit by CRUNCH, CURSED BODY may activate. Retaliates with an AoE SPRINGTIDE STORM.


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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played by


October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
333 posts
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 16:24:38 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

being on the right side does not make one good




Nikita’s sigh is an airy, resigned thing. “Pity.” His skeletal shoulders lift in a shrug.
Though willing to fight when situations demanded it, he preferred clean solutions to his problems. Which had been why he’d resorted to poison in the first place. Still, there was some thrill to be found in pitting himself against the elder Quinn. If rumors held, he possessed some sort of strategic mind. Simply a bump in the road, Sokolov.


The detective watches the miasma gather with a detached curiosity. The slight flickering of his eyes to the shadowy portal gives away the Houndstone’s appearance. He’s faster than I thought. A rather concerning revelation considering how much he’d taken into account. Still, it is a sign they have the blonde on the back foot.


Splish! The rock renders the Intelleon’s water bullet into a puddle. Above, the mute lizard’s hands furl into irritated fists. “Anne.” Nikita’s voice is still cool, though his eyes flicker to his assassin. As she tries to fire again, the biological gun jams—the dark of the Aerodactyl producing a momentary panic. “!?” She comically shakes her hand as if it’s a jammed candy dispenser.


Nikita knows Anne’s strong suit is not hand-to-hand combat. She is a glass cannon of sorts, best suited for stealth. “Run.” As the Aerodactyl swoops in, the Intelleon leaps for the ceiling. Her aim? To send the behemoth crashing into the wall behind her. She follows this up with an Acrobatics. Though not very effective, she has no intention of just giving up.

The detective staggers back as the Springtide Storm takes hold. A few pink petals bite into his long sleeves, exposing pale skin beneath. “Tch.” The sound of a gong resonates as his dog’s teeth lock into the ghost’s steel frame. He holds on even as petals threaten his form—a few gouge the dark of his bones. But the power of shadows is seemingly snatched from his mouth. Head ringing from the impact, Winters dropped to the ground.

A few calculations followed. This will get out of hand if we’re not careful. Eye sockets meet brooding eyes as the lifelong companions make a decision.


At about this time, the Nihelego frees itself from its encumbrance. “Acid Spray!” Again, a curtain of purple erupts as the jellyfish tries to break the blonde’s resistance. But it’s merely a distraction. Aiming to use that attack as cover, Nikita reaches a hand for his Houndstone as it charges him. The pair vanish and then reappear, aiming to take up positions behind Cillian.


He lifts his gun.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 17:29:09 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

"You're the one who should be running."[break][break]

Cillian's teeth are bared, grip white-knuckled around the blade's hilt.[break][break]

The Aerodactyl is surprisingly AGILE for an ancient creature of stone, whirling around to contest the acrobatic assassin with teeth and claws and shrieking fury.[break][break]

Nikita's call-out is heard by an umbral anchor, who dutifully ALLY SWITCHES with Cillian to absorb the Nihilego's acid. So too does it rescue Cillian from being shot from behind; bullets would find no purchase in the Pokémon's metal.[break][break]

SHADOW MIASMA billows around the underboss , blurring but not obscuring his silhouette. It was not meant to hide him. It was meant to empower those who would protect him. A Dodrio BULKS UP upon release, levelling the Pokémon playing field with a simple message: Cillian will not go down easy. There is a reason the League have yet to bring the underboss to justice for his crimes.[break][break]

Gold flecks the purple of Cillian's eyes as his system fights off the venom. "We love a good chase."




Dhelmise ALLY SWITCHES, taking the ACID SPRAY.[break]
Aerodactyl manages to avoid crashing into the wall with AGILITY.[break]
Dodrio is sent out and BULKS UP.


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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
333 posts
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 5:06:26 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

being on the right side does not make one good




Nikita shakes his head. “I’m too old for that, I’m afraid.” For a moment, he’s tempted to pluck a cigarette from his pocket. But that’d shatter the illusion of his control. It’d mean admitting that he was stressed enough to remember nicotine. Red eyes flick briefly to the ceiling as the Intelleon tries to evade the pterodactyl.

You will have to trust her. There are bigger problems afoot.Unfortunately, Anne seems to be on the back foot. The bulky rock-type makes quick work of her hiding places. With a silent scream, the water type is slammed into the wall of the cavern. The Aerodactyl’s claws pierce her shoulders, caging her within. Thrashing in its grip, the water-type glares defiantly up at it. With a deep breath, she throws a Hydro Pump into its face, aiming to knock its face from the killing blow.


Their fight sends stalactites raining down around the group below. The thin path they’re on crumbles on its edges as tera crystals rain down around them.

It seems he is not the only one who can dance around blows that way. Which would be expected if he had planned to attack the administrator head-on. “Tch.” The detective’s bullet ricochets off the Dhelmise’s base. It rockets through the air to embed itself in a nearby column of stone. Then, his target vanishes in a billowing cloud of miasma.

Things were getting out of hand. And, while he had plans, facing a fully empowered avatar rendered many of them useless. “You will not be getting that from me, Mister Quinn.” The benefit of all of those consultant fees? An infrared add-on to his mask shows the other man’s outline. Hoping the fog’s obscuring presence goes both ways, he makes a single gesture to his Houndstone. ’Get Anne.’ Those crimson eyes say.

An almost inaudible clink follows before the dog vanishes back into its portal. Moments later, it appears in the air behind the Aerodactyl. With a snarl, it summons a ball of violet fire and hurls it at the ancient beast.

Now, Nikita has only the nihilistic jellyfish to back him up. That and his gun. Though he doubts he will get a chance to reload if those bullets run out. When he shoots, he aims for the bird. “Trap them.” The Nihilego seems to come alive with a spinning burst of Toxic Spikes. At least its lack of a brain means one thing: it’s obedient.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 21:30:40 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

"Then perhaps you ought to retire, Sokolov."[break][break]

With clarity returning to him, the underboss sneers the name with recognition. The famous detective, no doubt trying for another notch in his belt by hunting one of Hoenn's Most Wanted.[break][break]

You didn't make that list by being easy prey.[break][break]

HYPER BEAM meets HYDRO PUMP in a clash of titans. Houndstone's WILL-O-WISP is what dampens what would have been a killing blow, earning a furious shriek from the DARK PREDATOR as it's BURNED. Yet the prehistoric flier doesn't let up on its prey.[break][break]

The SHADOW MIASMA was no ally of Nikita. It pulls away from him should he try to take shelter in its midst, curling around Cillian like a protective shroud. He hasn't moved. He's not trying to hide.[break][break]

TOXIC SPIKES scatter around him.[break][break]

"More poison? Is the dog too old to learn new tricks?"[break][break]

Beneath the Nihilego, groundwater is pulled from the earth to form a WHIRLPOOL seeking to trap. Dodrio FOCUSES ITS ENERGY, three pairs of beady eyes scrutinizing their opponent.




Aerodactyl counters HYDRO PUMP with HYPER BEAM; gets hit by WILL-O-WISP.[break]
Aerodactyl is BURNED.[break]
Dhelmise uses WHIRLPOOL on NIHILEGO.[break]


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
333 posts
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 1:07:47 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

being on the right side does not make one good




“Fans congregate in the strangest of places.” A hand reaches up to remove the mask. There is no point in wearing it now—it’s relatively useless in this place. And his identity is plain to see.

“You know—” The man’s normally cold tones are icy. “I had planned to do that.” He clicks his tongue with disapproval. “And, honestly, I had no intention of intervening with your little fascist club.” His own family was full of criminals, after all. His issue wasn’t with crime.

The crimson eyes that look back at Cillian are full of exasperation. He sighs—the gesture somehow not weighty enough for what came next. A normal man might have cried. But Nikita wasn’t one for emotional displays. “But then one of you Neanderthals blew my house up with my children inside.” Their bodies were only recognizable by the color of the fabric scraps left behind.

Though his voice doesn’t shake, there’s a passion in his normally flat eyes. A level of fire was typically only seen when the old hound was on the case. “So, unfortunately, Shady Acres will have to wait.” Was Cillian even involved? Certainly not. But that didn’t matter, did it? Glad for the clearer view and fresh air, Nikita’s eyes jump between his chess pieces. Your emotions are getting the better of you, Sokolov.


The very idea of him thinking with his heart churns his stomach.

As the Whirlpool takes shape, the detective’s nose wrinkles. “Unfortunately, brainless jellyfish aren’t known for their creativity.” It was also not particularly well trained. He found it difficult to create a relationship with the nihilistic poison type. The UB draws back into the waves as the water closes in. As the Dodrio focuses its energy, the detective does the same. Let’s see who learns new tricks.

His gun bucks again, aiming for the back of one of the stupid bird’s heads. Then, his eyes catch on what’s going on above. That’s it. His eyes shift to the Nihelego behind the wall of water. “Power Gem.” The jellyfish fires upward, its aim seemingly in the opposite direction of what’s needed.

The hound sighs in relief as his attack connects. The fire glints in his eyes as the thrashing gives Anne some breathing room.The Hyper Beam is sent just off target, carving an angry rut into the stone behind it. “Winters, Play Rough.” It takes a dog a moment to catch on. But there’s almost a glimmer in his sockets. “Anne. U-Turn.”


With a tired noise, the Intelleon does as asked. A blur of green seems intent on returning her to her trainer’s belt. Before she makes it, she’s unconscious—spindly limbs now covered in new scars. Winters, meanwhile, unleashes a fairy-type beat down on the Aerodactyl. And, if it connects, the detective’s objective will become sickeningly clear.


All that fighting had loosened a giant tera crystal above. This attack, along with the Power Gem, aims to connect and literally bring the roof down.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".pilotsb"]--bg: #222; --accent: #D49736; --url:url(;[/newclass]
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played by


the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2024 22:13:24 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

"Don't flatter yourself on my account."

He was not, and had never been a fan of . He loathes the man and everything he stands for. Stands against.

His grudge against Rocket is nothing new. Cillian hadn't been the one to personally put down the detective's family, but he didn't doubt that it had happened.

"I prefer to leave children out of it, myself. Give me an enemy that fights back."

Though a bullet strikes the Dodrio, it only seems to anger the Pokémon. Guns were excellent weapons against people, but not so much against the monsters they fought alongside. Three heads shrieking in horrible unison, they charge the Nihilego and leap upward, aiming a HIGH HORSEPOWER toward its gelatinous mass.

Hit by the ROUGH PLAY, Aerodactyl only barely manages to SHADOW SNEAK out of the path of the rockfall. It's still breathing, but Cillian's Pokemon were trained to fight until they drew their last. It trembles with pain and anger as the glow of a HYPER BEAM begins to manifest—

—but it's replaced by a swirl of shadow as it's returned to its pokeball, replaced by Cillian's SHADOW EELEKTROSS. Merrow COILS, electricity crackling over her curled form.

Dhelmise turns on Nikita himself, an ANCHOR SHOT cracking like gunfire through the canyon.




AERODACTYL is recalled; it's as good as FAINTED.[break]
EELEKTROSS is sent out; uses COIL.
DHELMISE fires its ANCHOR SHOT at Nikita.


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
333 posts
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 1:39:59 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

being on the right side does not make one good




A dark chuckle emerges from between thin lips. “If you insist.” He did not think anyone in Rocket was his fan. These doubts would likely become a certainty when this encounter drew the dots together. It took a special sort of person to knock off some of the organization’s best-disguised agents. A real keen eye to peel apart layered masks to reveal the true monster underneath.

“A belief we share.” He sighs. Any hopes the one barking orders was one of the upper echelon were dashed. Many of them were only recently ascended to their positions. “But I would never accuse you.” He’s pacing back and forth now like a caged tiger. Memories of that night draw a tremble into normally rock-solid limbs. “The idiot did not even confirm their target was home.” And, while many things, he did not think Quinn was so incompetent.


The bullet sinks into the bird’s flesh. There’s a splatter of blood on the stone. But his aim is off and it goes through the meaty part of the Dodrio's neck. Then a wash of it as it jumps into the Whirlpool. As its Power Gem ends—the stone above teetering on a thread—it turns slowly to face the Dodrio. Just as the attack connects, it spits out a ball of concentrated toxins at the bird. It collapses bonelessly to the ground.

With a clatter of bones, Winters lands beside his trainer. His sockets turn toward the Eelektross. His jaw opens in a snarl as he prepares to attack. As the Dhelmise turns, the Houndstone shifts their attention to his trainer. “Go.” The man states simply as he brings another Pokemon into the fray. Another crack follows on the heels of the first.

The temperature plummets as the stone above them gives up the ghost. It comes crashing down—only a few pebbles signaling its fall. Frost now emerges in the air between them.


Aa mega evolved Glalie stares down the group before them. A glimmering barrier lies between Nikita and his would-be attacker. A virtual mountain of stone falls upon that protection before rolling harmlessly to the ground. Just as the shield falls, the air around them fills with the howl of a Blizzard.



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 23:48:18 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

"You won't accuse me, but you'll try to take me down? Funny, that." He shakes his head, a cold smile briefly gracing lips pressed thin. "I might've helped punish such incompetence. Alas."
Dodrio is spattered with TOXIC sludge, screeching as it bubbles against skin and seeks out the bloodstream. Even its NEUROTOXIC INDEPENDENCE cannot save it from such a fate. With a soft huff of disappointment, the underboss recalls the bird for another.
As the Nihilego faints, Cillian's SHADOW MIASMA curls around it like something alive, seeking to take hold of its unconscious form and REANIMATE it. To fight the Harbinger is to engage in an uphill battle.

[break][break]A war of attrition.
Every time Cillian and his Pokemon faint another Pokemon, he is able to POSSESS the Pokemon with his SHADOW MIASMA. For a brief period of time, Cillian is able to reanimate the Pokemon and use its moves before the possession concludes. Around the fainted Pokemon's body, the SHADOW MIASMA will persist for a period of time.

Having grown up in the perpetually snowy city of Circhester, Cillian is well adjusted to the cold. Yet he is not dressed for it, tropical as Hoenn was, and certainly not adapted to the sudden frigid temperature. His breath mists in the air like cigarette smoke.
The BLIZZARD strikes hard against his entire team. Corviknight PROTECTS itself, chunks of ice and snow sliding off of its shimmering feathers, but Eelektross and Dhelmise have no defense but evasion. Dhelmise retreats into its PHANTOM FORCE, but the eel must withstand the full-force assault of the storm. It lunges for the Glalie, SHADOW LEECHING fangs seeking purchase.
shadow, physical, 75 power — The user drains the target's blood with a vicious bite. The user's health is restored for a portion of the damage dealt. Wounds caused by this attack will not clot, preventing the Pokemon from being healed for the rest of the thread.




DODRIO is BADLY POISONED and recalled.[break]


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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
333 posts
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
Double-Edged Sword [M]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2024 18:42:48 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

being on the right side does not make one good




The detective sighed. This stopped being about the particular Rockets that killed his family eons ago. All but their ring leader had long ceased to be a threat. But their mindset was a disease. It permeated the ranks of the anarchists he went toe to toe with. “It is best to view yourself as collateral damage.” There is a bit of humor in Nikita’s normally dead eyes. “A pity, truly.” In a different life, he may have liked Cillian.

But any thoughts of extermination are put on hold in favor of survival. His Nihelego—a true paragon of its species—now stares at him. Though it has no eyes, the direction of its tentacles makes its intent plain. Any chance of toxins cutting off the avatar’s power seems null. “What an interesting trick.” Nikita sneers as he stares down the jellyfish. “Really makes one reconsider a nap.”


Sadly, the fallen stone does nothing but scatter tera crystals around them.

As the cold wind buys him a reprieve, Nikita finds himself sliding a foot backward. A hand reaches for a cigarette as his nerves threaten to overwhelm him. Are you a coward, Sokolov? Some cheap magic trick and you flee with your tail between your legs? A deep breath calms him as he reanalyzes his situation. It would be wrong to say all hope is lost.

This is merely a setback on the battlefield. And, just like with chess, it is a question of strategy. Unfortunately, his possessed Pokemon has no intention of indulging him. Through the snow, a ball of toxic sludge grazes his arm. The suit bubbles and hisses. Shit. With a grunt, he rips apart the damaged sleeve. The Nihelego’s useless ball drops to the pathway. Useless and trickling shadow.

The man’s arms are a mess—full of marks and more bone than flesh.


With an angry movement, he tosses out a new Pokeball. His Walking Wake takes to the field with a deafening roar. Its eyes lock on the Corviknight above.

Ignatius watches as his attacks glide off the Corviknight’s metal wings. The panes of its Protect sparkle like icicles on Yuletide morn. But it is not his target. Notably, the detective makes no move to stop the attack. The Glalie hisses as the Eelektross slams into it. As its teeth find purchase, dark blue ichor rolls down Glallie’s side. “Freeze it.”

With teeth still embedded in its side, the Mega Glalie unleashed a Sheer Cold.


On the other side of the curtain, Detective Winters II stares down a particularly slippery Dhelmise.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing